LOL well first of all I am going through an indecisive streak and my clients are benefiting from it! I couldn’t cut any of these shots out of the blog post!!!

Chantal & Chris are super cute, and they have a newlywed glow, even though they have been married for over 6 years, which I thought was crazy great…but I was surprised they had been married that long because they didn’t look that much older than me (And they weren’t, and it hit me again…life is just racing by!!!) Not to scare anyone or anything, I just still think of myself as twenty…and I’m a bit beyond that now : ))

I am glad that Chantal & Chris decided to get some updated photos “just because”….because I had a blast photographing them!

I took them to my favorite beach in Nova Scotia….want to know where it is??? book a shoot with me and I’ll tell ya *wink wink*. On my way out to the shoot I was disappointed that there were no clouds in the sky (I love an interesting sky) and then we got to the beach and VOILA!!!



I love these pictures, they are so beautiful. You’re the best!! We had so much fun that day.

I love the last pic and also the one where they are hanging upside down :)