
Well I am home! I have been for over a week now and I have to say part of me can’t believe its been that long and another part of me can’t believe its only been that long…. Its hard coming back from a culture that is so different because as soon as you are back you feel so far removed from it! Thankfully we had an amazing (words can’t even describe it) team so we can continue to support each other and encourage each other even now that we are home. I made 8 new friends on the trip, with some of the most amazing people I have ever met, and one of them took the photo above!!! Thanks Miguel! So I am sure you are all going through random things withdrawl since I missed a week…so here we go…

1. My Spanish name is the same as my English name (though the pronunciation of “th” is a bit different) but this led to a couple of thoughts for me:

2. I love nicknames. I love having them, and I love having them for people I care about. I think I mentioned before but my mom chose a name that was not easily nicknameable on purpose…but I always wanted nicknames… I thought of this earlier this week because an older man who Alex used to work with always called me “Heath” from the first time we met, and I liked it :) we ran into him this week and it reminded me… anyway a few other people call me “heath” and my mom calls me “sweetie” (she used to call me “tuna” because she called me “petunia” once and I said “hey…I’m not tuna”) wow…that was a nice ramble…

3. I did get a SiSwati name when I was in Swaziland last year. The name was “Knomsa” and it means “grace” people who didnt know that would just call me “sisi” which means “sister”

4. I usually forget to floss…unless I have something stuck in my teeth, or have a dentist appt in a couple of weeks…but I flossed twice since I have been home for no other reason than I think I should.

5.  I don’t usually like eating outside. I don’t really know why… but the heat, the wind, I dunno…just not usually a big fan.

6. I hold almost no brand loyalty in consumer products (often buy whatever is on sale) I do consistently love products by : Lululemon, Apple and Melaleuca but other than that its pretty much free game.

7. Water is my beverage of choice.

8. Whoever does the posting of the weather on weatherunderground for Guayaramerin Bolivia is  playing some sort of cruel trick on people going to visit. It says it rains every other day….and it didn’t ran AT ALL while we were there!

9. Lima, Peru is right on the ocean but it almost NEVER rains there. Most of their municipal taxed go to irrigate green areas.

10. I am so blessed to have such amazing experiences, an amazing job to come home to, an amazing group of friends, and amazing church, amazing family, amazing home and a million other blessings!! And everytime I go on a trip like this and come home I realize that more and more! I love you all!!!!


Your new friend Rachel will not like hearing that you don’t floss. I don’t either. I guess it’s people like us that keeps her in business!

Flossing can add 10 years to your life! (Or something crazy like that…) My Mum read it in an article somewheres and has been flossing ever since. :)

there are also bugs when you eat outsidem and that is gross,