cjttd_290bWell I am determined to keep letting all my faithful blog readers in on all of my crazy thoughts and idiosyncrasies but I am afraid that I may end up sharing some things more than once…and with that thought, here they will begin for this week:

1. I often start by saying three words to a story and then saying  “did I already tell you this story?” Although its possible I may have told them the story I am THINKING of, there is no way for them to know at that point!!!

2. I often say that a story is going to be “hilarious” …more often it is only mildly amusing.

3. I have a horrible memory for details, so I may often embellish stories, or leave out a funny part, or the part that will make the ending funny, or ironic…

4. My stories often have bunny trails…and then trails off of those bunny trails

5. I often forget where I am in a story…or how I got there :)

6. Reading novels is one of the only things that completely distracts my brain from real life. That and bejewelled, but even then I have a sense of connection to the world because I play on my iphone.

7. Alex and I have only ever had two pets since we have been married. Two fighting fish…not at the same time. Alex killed one with a rock (not on purpose…but he did hope that I wouldn’t notice) the other died of more natural causes.

8. I hate hand driers in washrooms (ok or anywhere) unless they are the ones that make it look like you will blow the skin of your hands. I end up drying my fingers with tp, or my pant legs.

9.  It is my anniversary tomorrow…4 years already! WOWZAS how the time flies!!!

10. I am getting girlier as life goes on. I bought nail polish today for the first time in probably 10 years!!!


Every time I read these I think, how is it possible that we’re not BEST FRIENDS? haha. Love the shot of you in the water….and here I thought you only kicked off those flip flops and went in water for me….maybe it’s just barbed wire fences you will climb through for me hahaha ;)

What do you mean, “Is there anything left”?? I hope so – I love reading these every Tuesday!